Enterprises are increasing their use of cloud storage to keep up with the exponential growth of unstructured data, with many companies using multiple cloud providers. While using multiple cloud providers is reasonable for a number of different objectives (risk mitigation, technical requirements for applications, sovereignty, price, etc.), it also adds a significant amount of complexity, often creating a silo effect that limits data movement and diminishing its value to the company. A recent survey1 of over 200 enterprise IT managers summed up the situation:
“Most companies have a cloud management vision but they do not have a cloud management strategy because they do not have the right tools to deliver their vision”
This is where a cloud migration factory comes in. The efficient movement of unstructured data on an enterprise scale requires a special combination of subject matter expertise, smart technology that leverages automation, analytics to drive better outcomes faster, and a proven architecture that handles the scale and performance requirements necessary to support today’s hybrid cloud environments.
This whitepaper is a high level overview of how to build a cloud migration factory for the Google Cloud Platform to enable the more efficient movement to deliver the right data, to the right location at the right time for hybrid cloud environments.