Shamans and healers in ancient times used ritualistic practices with therapeutic methods to treat illnesses. For the treatment of their patients, they relied on prayer, acupuncture, and herbs. Since then, a completely new universe has emerged within the healthcare system.
To treat ailments, doctors in today’s digital age rely exclusively on data!
The number of connected systems has multiplied due to healthcare IT development. In addition to the ever-growing number of medical devices used in healthcare settings and the addition of consumer-based gadgets like Fitbits, today’s healthcare providers often have more than 100 systems that need to communicate with one another for a diagnosis.
For example, 415 million people worldwide, have diabetes today, and it’s expected that by 2040, that number will rise to half a billion. Public health experts are raising alarms about this pandemic and pleading with medical professionals to give preventative care. Fortunately, the development of the internet of healthcare things (IoHT) and medical wearables offers many patients with hope by giving them greater control over their health. The ability to analyze and manage data generated through connected devices in real-time has made it possible to create wearables that automatically monitor blood glucose and deliver the correct insulin dosages.
The interoperability of patient health data and its optimization to facilitate access and sharing whenever needed, along with its security, have now become the three crucial healthcare industry priorities.
However, the healthcare industry faces common challenges regarding data interoperability and storage.