Has anyone had the need to call a plumber or electrician recently? If you have, you are probably like me, wishing that you had paid a little more attention to your Grandfather or Dad when they were going over the basics of fixing things in their homes. I am amazed at how incapable I am at performing rudimentary repairs or building new services needed for my home. Of course, the single item that drives the barn’s value is electricity…in business electricity has been replaced by data!
Data Dynamics’ recent release of StorageX 8.2 includes a key capability to replicate NAS files to S3 object storage solutions, both on-premise and in the public cloud. As I read the company release, my mind kept coming back to the $8,800 electrician’s bill staring me in the face. Yes… the new barn that I had built was going to provide lots of value for me and my family, but I had grossly under-budgeted for the electrical service to be connected from the street and wired within the barn. Basically, I had a brand new space (fitness, workshop, storage) but no power to use it.
Technology is no different, whether you are implementing a streamlined test/dev process, a new business continuity service, or replicating data for long term retention, file to object replication & sync is your data mobility service and needs to be accounted in your journey to the cloud!
– Test and DevOps need to work with real application data but they need to do it efficiently. The Cloud provides them with compute and storage resources on-demand and billable by use. The economics are powerful, but the task to move file data to S3 objects is complex and cumbersome. StorageX reduces risk by ensuring the right data is available when needed at a fraction of the cost of Tier 1 NAS filers.
– The Cloud has been a favorite target for backup and business continuity applications and services. It is geographically separate, scalable, on-demand, offers lower cost, and more durable object storage. By replicating NAS file data to object storage, on-premise or in the cloud, companies achieve massive cost savings versus traditional legacy backup and DR products.
– The IT industry is facing a growing call for data governance and compliance along with data security. File to object replication provides companies the ability to replicate key file data to object storage for low-cost, long term retention. This capability allows IT to have insurance for on-premise or cloud data loss events as the object storage systems provide erasure coding and geo-dispersal technology.
When looking to harness the power of the Cloud please ensure that you have ‘powered’ your new cloud applications with StorageX’s File to Object Replication and Sync.