Pack > Move > Unpack

by | Dec 17, 2019 | Uncategorized

Data transfer has become an essential practice for numerous reasons in today’s world. Big as well as small organizations prefer moving data to the cloud for better accessibility and security. As valuable this is, moving to the cloud is a challenging & complex task. For that reason, we have outlined the best practices for data migration as below.


  • Back up the data before executing.

In case something goes wrong during the implementation, you can’t afford to lose data. Make sure there are backup resources and that they’ve been tested before you proceed.


  • Stick to the strategy.

Too many data managers make a plan and then abandon it when the process goes “too” smoothly or when things get out of hand. The migration process can be complicated and even frustrating at times, so prepare for that reality and then stick to the plan.


  • Test, test, test. Remember: “Hard in training, easy in battle!”

During the planning and design phases, and throughout implementation and maintenance, test the data migration to make sure you will eventually achieve the desired outcome.


  • Encourage business engagement

The backing of senior business leaders will improve the chances of a data migration project going smoothly and ensure that the team has the necessary resources. The key is to communicate that the purpose of the migration is to make the overall business more effective and efficient.

I hope the outlined practices will give you a brief insight into your data migration journey. You can further dive deeper and understand more aspects of this topic with the help of whitepaper we published from the following link:

And remember that an amazing stellar product exists in the market to help you, StorageX is here to make your life easier! 😉