Data Dynamics Cultivates a Thriving Community of StorageX Users

Encourages Collaboration, Education, Communication, and Certification

TEANECK, N.J.– May 15, 2018 – Data Dynamics, a leader in intelligent file management, has formed an online StorageX® Users Community. This Users Community is the gateway for everything StorageX, where users can acquire additional StorageX education, communicate with other professionals in the field, and to seek higher levels of certification.

“Our award-winning StorageX® product solution most recently came out with the latest 8.0 upgrade,” according to Robert Finley, Technical Support Manager for Data Dynamics. “As a global leader in driving data file integration and adoption capabilities into a hybrid/cloud environment, we have found that StorageX users want to collaborate and share experiences and learn more about implementation and utilization capabilities to maximize their investment and partnership with us.”

“Further, in the area of education and training, our customers are seeking certification levels to ensure full enterprise adoptability of the solution,” according to Kyle Johnson, Lead eLearning Developer at Data Dynamics. “We are offering three levels of achievement to suit the capabilities and desires of all levels of our customer base.”

For more information about the StorageX Users Community, go online at

About Data Dynamics

Data Dynamics is a leader in intelligent file management solutions that empower enterprises to seamlessly analyze, move, manage and modernize critical data across hybrid, cloud and object-based storage infrastructures for true business transformation.

Used today by 24 of the top Fortune 100 companies, StorageX has optimized more than 160 PB of storage, saving more than 80 years in project time and $80 million in total storage costs.

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